Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Professional Media Workshop

Question: Identify research based evaluation methods to justify budget and strategy. Answer: Monitoring and Evaluation Planning of those activities that were monitored Research-Based Evaluation Method to Justify the Budget and Strategy The process of the monitoring could be done through the quantitative analysis of evaluation. The particular form of evaluation would be cost effective since the number of people, who would require, in case of a qualitative analysis, is less. Therefore, in case of qualitative analysis, the budget that is there for the research will not be sufficient and thus it could cause problem at the same time. Therefore, conducting evaluation with the help of questionnaire is more appropriate, than that analysis, which required recruitment of the participants. The doctors and the nurses of various hospitals could be the main participants for the analysis, who will help in the evaluation (Creswell 2013). The people who are dealing with the legal cases related to Euthanasia, would also be selected for the purpose of evaluation in a quantitative way. Measuring Out Comes and Key Measuring Areas In case of a quantitative analysis, things are based mostly on the numerical and the data that are being collected. Therefore, in case of a quantitative evaluation or analysis the statistical analysis is the more appropriate way of analyzing or measuring the outcome. The data collected, forms the part of the measuring in case of a quantitative research. Cost of Evaluation The cost of evaluation would not be more since a quantitative analysis need few questionnaires and some computer-based tools. In case, there is a requirement of providing photo type it could increase the cost of evaluation at the same time. Key Performance Indicators There are two kinds of variables in case of a quantitative analysis and these are the continuous and discrete analysis. The concrete analysis, include the integers and decimals, and even the measurement such as dollars and kilograms and the discrete variables, which include, accidents, complaints and things like that. Therefore, these are the Key performance indicator in this particular case (Barr 2016).. References Barr, S. (2016).Quantitative Versus Qualitative KPIs | Stacey Barr. [online] Staceybarr.com. Creswell, J.W., 2013.Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

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